Substantial & Marcus D (Bop Alloy)
Present [EP]
Explicit Version | Clean Version
After releasing EPs with both The Other Guys (The Past…) and Algorythm (Always), Substantial releases his third EP, The Present, with fellow Bop Alloy producer, Marcus D. Together, The Past…, Always, and Present will prepare fans for Substantial’s forthcoming full length LP The Past Is Always Present In The Future scheduled for release later this year.
Producer Marcus D says...
“Since Present technically belongs to Substantial’s series of EPs, The Past is Always Present in the Future, we treated it as more of a solo project than a Bop Alloy joint. Sub has a clear vision for the EPs leading up to his full-length album and he was gracious enough to let me produce the entire thing. Present is different, but undeniably us.”
Present features recent singles, Party With Purpose and The Sub Way and includes vocals from Steph, The Sapphic Songstress, Precious Joubert (Sound of the City), as well as a debut with HiPNOTT’s latest signee Intelligenz.